Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Police Brutality??

Lately in the news here where I live, police brutality has been a very hot subject. Earlier in the year a Hmong boy was shot in killed by a police officer who claimed that the young boy had a gun. His family is asking to have the officer removed because there are speculations that a gun was planted next to his body at the sceen. There is no solid evidence that the young boy was carrying a gun and his finger prints were not anywhere on the gun. There is also a video tape of the incident and you can see that he had no gun on him. People are pretty upset about this whole issue. It seems that police brutality is also a hot topic in the new in other states also. Watch this video provided by CNN of 14-year old Trevor Casey who police say refused to move off a stoop in his neighborhood in Ohio. Its pretty obvious to me that this is def police brutality. What do you think, were the police just doing their job or did they take it way to far??

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